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QUESTION: I received a Stryker Rejuvenate replacement hip in a surgery done at St. Cloud Hospital in St. Cloud, Minnesota and I’m now experiencing pain and hearing popping noises in the hip joint. Last year, I got a letter telling me that Stryker’s Rejuvenate modular-neck stem had been recalled. I’ve read that some people now need revision surgery and I’m considering it but first, I have some questions:
Can I file a claim against Stryker, the hospital or surgeon?
Can I still be part of a Stryker class action lawsuit?
Will the claim cover my revision surgery?
What other compensation am I entitled to?
Can I file a claim against Stryker, the hospital or surgeon?
When you undergo hip replacement surgery, doctors and implant manufacturers want you to believe that you’ve signed away your rights, when you signing medical liability waivers. But this is not always the case. A medical waiver cannot protect medical professionals (or manufacturers) if they intentionally put your life in jeopardy and are found negligent.
Without seeing your medical records, we would not be able to say for certain, but based on what you’ve shared, the chances are good that you may have a claim against Stryker Orthopaedic (Stryker) for injuries or complications associated with your Stryker Rejuvenate hip implant. This could include medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability, loss of quality of life and other expenses or losses related to your experience with Stryker’s hip implant.
Hospitals, surgeons or other medical professionals are not currently being pursued in these cases. But if you feel there is a significant reason in your personal case why you’d like to pursue them, please let us know when we speak.
Will the claim cover my revision surgery?
Stryker’s Broadspire program was set-up chiefly to pay for the patient portion of medical expenses, wage losses and mileage reimbursements — nothing more.
For patients dealing with pain and complications, as well as facing the very real possibility of revision surgery, this may look great at first glance but what most people don’t realize is the extent to which their suffering may continue post revision surgery. In order to ensure that your rights and best interests are being protected, you may need to pursue a claim against Stryker.
What other compensation am I entitled to?
The amount of money you can recover for a Stryker Rejuvenate hip implant claim varies per person and is dependent upon the facts of your case. To find out more about your potential claim call (888) 728-9866 to talk with a Minnesota attorney at Meshbesher & Spence about the circumstances of your procedures for a thorough review of your claim.
Remember, you have a limited amount of time to file a claim for compensation. Don’t wait to find out later after time limits for filing claims have passed you by. Missing these time limits can cause you to be left out of any settlement that occurs in these cases, leaving you to pick up the tab at upwards of $50,000 for hip implant revision surgery (not to mention post-operative therapy) out of your own pocket.