It’s Brain Awareness Week! From March 11th through the 17th, the world celebrates brains. According to the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences:
Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to increase public awareness about the progress and benefits of brain research. Through coordinated efforts by scientists, teachers, students and service organizations, the goal of the week is to teach students and the community about the brain and encourage public interest and excitement about brain research.
Started by The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives in 1996, there are more than 2,800 partners in 82 countries that have participated in the campaign. This is a fantastic time to not only participate in activities that raise awareness for brain research, but also to get kids really excited about the way their brains work. It’s also a really great time for concussion awareness – learn how to spot signs of concussions in kids.
For general information about Brain Awareness Week and ideas for how to get involved, visits The Dana Foundation or In Minnesota, the U of M BAW will be celebrating in April.