The days have started to get longer and the snow is beginning to melt, which means it’s almost the time of year when thousands of Minnesotans will be enjoying spring break. The weeklong escape from school and work has become a family tradition for many and a rite of passage for today’s college students.

Road Sign Indicating Spring Break Ahead
A modified road sign indicating Spring Break

A 2020 survey showed that one-in-four adults ages 18 and older plan on traveling for spring break this year. At worst, most will only suffer a bad case of sunburn, but travelers should be aware of the hidden dangers they may face on spring break.

Here are some tips to help make your spring break fun, memorable and safe:

    1. Don’t drink and drive, even when on vacation. Per the CDC, alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes kill someone every 31 minutes and cause a non-fatal injury every two minutes.
    2. Keep only as much cash on you as you can afford to lose. Pickpocketing is common in many tourist areas. Be cautious when going to the ATM machine. Cover the keypad when entering your PIN and watch for lurkers who may be after your cash card.
    3. In case of unplanned travel advisories, consider a travel insurance plan that includes trip cancellation protection. If you’re traveling outside your health insurance network, you may also want to include a travel medical insurance plan.
    4. Watch out for signs of predatory drugs, which can include extreme dizziness, confusion, difficulty standing and slurred speech. If you suspect you may have been victim of a drugging, seek medical attention immediately.
    5. When traveling someplace new, be aware of your surroundings and always practice extra vigilance. Keep your cellphone charged at all times in case of emergencies. If traveling outside of the country, there are a number of apps that allow you to communicate with an emergency contact via a cell phone.


Whether you’re going as a family or a college student traveling with friends, we hope that you make this year’s spring break memorable for all the right reasons. However, in the event your trip doesn’t go as planned and you need an attorney you can trust, call Meshbesher & Spence at 1-855-597-1720.
