What To Expect from a Workers' Comp Settlement

Minnesota Workers' Compensation Benefits

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What Are Workers' Comp Benefits?

Minnesotans injured at work have a right to basic types of workers’ compensation benefits, including wage loss benefits, permanent partial disability benefits, medical benefits, and vocational rehabilitation benefits. Dependency benefits are owed to the family of an employee who died from a work injury.

Employers cannot retaliate or discriminate against an injured worker for bringing a workers’ compensation claim.

Wage Loss Benefits

If you cannot work because of your work injury or if you cannot earn your full wages because of your work injury, you may be entitled to wage loss benefits. Under Minnesota law, the insurer must accommodate your request for direct deposit, if applicable.

Permanent Partial Disability Benefits

PPD benefits are payable for the permanent functional loss of use of the body based on a disability schedule and is separate from wage loss benefits. Employees injured at work in Minnesota are eligible for PPD benefits if they have a permanent loss of function, amputation, hearing or vision loss, and other permanent impairments.

Medical Benefits

The employer and workers’ compensation insurer should pay for the cost of all reasonable and necessary health care treatment related to your work injury, including psychological, chiropractic, physical therapy, podiatric, surgical and hospital treatment

Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation benefits, including educational retraining, are available to help injured workers in Minnesota return to work after an injury. You may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services if you are unable to return to the regular job you had on the date of injury, your employer is unable to offer you work within your restrictions, or you are working at a wage loss. 

What If My Benefits Are Denied?

When any workers’ compensation claims or benefits are denied, you are entitled to challenge the denial and start the dispute process. However, the Minnesota dispute process can be complex and time sensitive; therefore, it’s best navigated with the help of an experienced attorney who specializes in workers’ compensation matters.  

At Meshbesher & Spence, we devote our ourselves to helping injured workers throughout the state. We are always happy to answer your questions about your claim. Please contact us for a free consultation. 

We do not get paid until we successfully recover benefits for you. There are no upfront fees or hourly fees attributed to you. 

The sooner you involve your legal team, the stronger your case will be. Connect with our trusted Minnesota law firm for a case review today.

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