Talcum Powder Lawsuit and Ovarian Cancer

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Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

Talcum powder has long been a household staple in the form of Johnson & Johnson’s “Baby Powder” and “Shower to Shower” powder. Talc has been used from infancy with diaper rash to women who use talc powder on a daily basis. Talc is a mineral composed primarily of magnesium, silicon and oxygen. Ground up, talc absorbs moisture and is commonly used in personal hygiene products. Talc products have commonly been marketed to women for to control genital hygiene and odor.

Several juries have considered the evidence presented during trials in South Dakota and St. Louis, and they have each concluded talc caused ovarian cancer, and that the makers of talc based powders have known for years that talcum powder was dangerous and caused in increased risk of ovarian cancer in daily users but failed to warn the public about that risk. According to the medical reports, women who use talc powder on their genitals are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. Estimates of over 2,000 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed each year may have been caused by regular use of talcum powder. Johnson & Johnson, despite the evidence linking the use of talcum powder to ovarian cancer, failed to warn of the hidden dangers.

Johnson & Johnson knew its Baby Powder Contained Asbestos Since the 1970s. Articles published by The New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/14/business/baby-powder-asbestos-johnson-johnson.html) and Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/) reveal that Johnson & Johnson (“J&J”) knew for decades that its baby powder likely contained asbestos. There are currently more than 11,700 plaintiffs claiming that J&J’s baby powder caused their ovarian cancer and other cancers. Although J&J insists that such claims are based upon “junk” science, juries around the country have found the evidence quite persuasive. In May 2018, a California jury hit Johnson & Johnson with a $25.75 million verdict. And in July, a St. Louis jury awarded $550 million in compensatory damages to 22 plaintiffs and $4.14 billion in punitive damages.

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The attorneys of Meshbesher & Spence have been representing families in crisis for over 50 years. Ron Meshbesher established his Minneapolis legal practice in 1961 with a skilled staff dedicated to preserving and defending the welfare of individuals and families. Our highly skilled litigators specialize in personal injury, class action, and civil litigation. The experienced lawyers at Meshbesher & Spence will help you seek compensation for your injuries.

The sooner you involve your legal team, the stronger your case will be. Connect with our trusted Minnesota law firm for a case review today.

Our Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer Lawyers