Hip replacement surgery is a common medical procedure that involves removing a damaged or diseased hip joint and replacing it with an artificial joint made of metal, plastic, or ceramic materials. This surgical intervention is typically recommended for individuals who suffer from chronic hip pain and other hip-related conditions that significantly impact their quality of life.

Dependent on the severity of joint damage you have, there are a few options available:

  • Total hip replacement: the damaged sections of the hip joint (the ball and socket) are removed and replaced with metal, ceramic, or plastic (or a combination of these components).
  • Total hip resurfacing: the ball is not removed and is then trimmed and is capped with a smooth metal covering. Just like a total hip replacement, damaged cartilage and bone are first removed and then replaced with a metal shell.

One type of hip replacement surgery that is rarely used now in the United States is metal on metal (MoM) hip replacement. This procedure involves placing a metal ball and socket in the hip joint. To date, there are no FDA-approved metal-on-metal total hip replacement devices marketed for use in the country. However, there are two FDA-approved metal-on-metal hip resurfacing devices available.

What Is Metal on Metal (MoM) Hip Replacement?

A metal-on-metal hip replacement is when the ball and socket of the hip joint are both made of metal. While it is generally believed that individuals who receive MoM implants have well-functioning hips and are at low risk of experiencing serious issues, some MoM hip devices may wear down faster in certain patients when compared to other hip replacements.

This can potentially result in damage and deterioration of the bone and tissue surrounding the hip. However, your clinician can monitor and prevent this injury from occurring through regular medical check-ups and intervention, if necessary.

As mentioned earlier, MoM implants are rarely used today. They are only done on a small percentage of people. However, if you do have a MoM implant, it’s essential that you get regular checkups and contact your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in your groin, hip, or leg
  • Swelling at or near your hip joint
  • A limp or difficulties walking
  • Grinding or clunking from the joint

These symptoms don’t necessarily mean your implant is failing, but they do require further investigation. Additionally, any changes in your general health should be reported to your doctor, including:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Numbness or weakness
  • Changes in vision or hearing

It’s crucial to stay vigilant about your health and report any concerns to your doctor promptly.

What Are the Risks?

Some of the potential risks of MoM hip replacements include:

  • Metallosis: The metal components of the implant can rub against each other and release tiny metal particles into the surrounding tissues, causing metallosis.
  • Implant failure: Without early detection, the wearing down of your implant can cause damage and deterioration in the bone and tissue around the joint over time, potentially resulting in a loose implant and painful symptoms that require additional surgery.
  • Pain and discomfort: Patients with MoM hip replacements may experience chronic pain, inflammation, and swelling.

Filing a MoM Hip Replacement Failure Lawsuit

Metal-on-metal hip replacement failure lawsuits are legal cases filed by patients who have suffered from complications and injuries as a result of metal-on-metal hip implants. Such lawsuits typically allege that the manufacturer of the implant failed to warn patients of the risks associated with the device, or that the device was defective and caused harm to the patient.

The complications associated with metal-on-metal hip implants include pain, inflammation, bone and tissue damage, and implant failure. In some cases, patients may require revision surgery to remove and replace the implant. Damages awarded from such lawsuits may include compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages related to the injuries caused by the device.

Get a Free Consultation

Have you or someone you love suffered an injury due to a defective metal-on-metal hip replacement? Contact our legal firm to get the help you need. Our team will help you gather all the relevant information, records, and details to support your case. Remember, the longer you wait, the harder it may be to win your case and receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today!